So and So Called Me Fat – Part 2

For some reason on that Sunday, I initially rejected the negative words but then I thought about it. I’ve been trying to be careful of what I meditate on with God’s help during this season God has me in. But this time I allowed those words to be on repeat and sit with...

So and So Called Me Fat – Part 1

It has blown my mind how people have given themselves a license to sound off and say what-ever hits their lips, without apology. I shouldn’t be baffled or perplexed because I know better. After many years, people will do exactly what they want to do and when they want...

Am I helping or enabling?

How do you stop helping people? Am I helping or enabling? How do I stop lending a ‘helping hand’ to those I see in need? It is the tough question every enabler ought to ask themselves before it’s too late. Too late for who? I believe it is crucial...

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