Sonya Visor


TruU = We keep it real, in order to heal. Unmasking by dealing with topics most people never talk about.

The Wool Over My Eyes

The Wool Over My Eyes

The Wool Over My Eyes We’ve all heard the expression “pulling the wool over your eyes.” It’s trickery. It’s like being duped in the presence of someone watching you be fooled. We can’t see the wool that’s right before us because it’s too close. Have you ever...

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Shine! #BE

Shine! #BE

TruU Nugget from Sonya's Heart I'm the first to raise my hands for trying to move underneath the radar. At events, I'd take a seat in the back of the room every time. I had plenty to say but remained quiet. Because if I spoke then I'd no longer be invisible. I didn't...

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Are You Too Nice?

Are You Too Nice?

Are you too nice? Can you see my raised hand over there? This is/was me all day until I had to shake myself loose! To me, this is some-kind-of question. I mean seriously, isn't being nice a good thing? It is. That's what I used to think. I had the Rodney King mindset,...

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Sex and the Church Girl

Sex and the Church Girl

Sex and the Church Girl How do you stop something that feels so good to your body, but is bad for your soul? It's what my character Rainey struggled within the short story, Love Me for Who I Am. In this story, Malik added to her burning desire. It’s the ongoing battle...

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Are You Being TruU? (100)

Are You Being TruU? (100)

Are you Being TruU? If you’ve been following me for a little while you see my signature on emails and newsletter, Be TruU always! This is a place that I want to remain in because I had to fight to get here. I had to push past death and choose life. I had to learn to...

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So You Know Better Than Me?

So You Know Better Than Me?

A little while ago, I was sitting on the couch about to send a text when I heard the Lord say, "Leave it be...." I dismissed and ignored what I heard, only to have Him repeat himself. (Him being, Almighty, All-Knowing, and All-Powerful). I pretended like I did not...

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